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Barba-Gonzalez, Rodrigo The use of 2n gametes for introgression breeding in Oriental × Asiatic lilies. PhD-thesis Wageningen University 13-09-2005 120 pp.

Barba-Gonzalez, Rodrigo, Bram H. Lokker, Ki-Byung Lim, Municote S. Ramanna & Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2004. Use of 2n gametes for the production of sexual polyploids from sterile Oriental x Asiatic hybrids of lilies (Lilium). Theor Appl Genet 109: 1125-1132.

Barba-Gonzalez, R., Ki-Byung Lim, M.S. Ramanna and Jaap M. van Tuyl. 2005. Use of 2n Gametes for inducing intergenomic recombination in lily hybrids. IXth International Symposium on  Flower Bulbs, 19-22 April 2004, Niigata, Japan ; Acta Hort. 673: 161-166.

Barba-Gonzalez, R., K.-B. Lim, M.S. Ramanna, R.G.F. Visser & J.M. Van Tuyl 2005. Occurrence of 2n gametes in the F1 hybrids of Oriental x Asiatic lilies (Lilium): Relevance to intergenomic recombination and backcrossing. Euphytica 143: 67-73.

Barba-Gonzalez, R., M.S. Ramanna, R.G.F. Visser & J.M. Van Tuyl 2005. Intergenomic recombination in the F1 hybrids of Oriental ´ Asiatic lily hybrids (Lilium) and its significance for genetic variation in the BC1 progenies as revealed by GISH and FISH. Genome 48: 884-894.

Barba-Gonzalez, R., Chad T Miller, M.S. Ramanna, & J.M. Van Tuyl 2006. Nitrous oxide N2O incudes 2n gametes in sterile F1 hybrids of Oriental x Asiatic lilies (Lilium) and leads to intergenomic recombination. Euphytica 148 (3): 303 - 309.

Barba-Gonzalez, R., Alex A. Van Silfhout, M.S. Ramanna, R.G.F. Visser & J.M. Van Tuyl 2006. Progenies of allotriploids of Oriental × Asiatic lilies (Lilium) examined by GISH analysis. Euphytica 151: 243-250.

Barba-Gonzalez, R. Chad T. Miller, M.S. Ramanna And Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2006. Induction of 2n gametes for overcoming F1-sterility in lily and tulip. Acta Hort. 714: 99-106 (XXII Eucarpia Meeting -Section Ornamentals SanRemo).

Barba-Gonzalez, Rodrigo,  Ki-Byung Lim, Shujun Zhou, M.S. Ramanna And Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2008. Interspecfic hybridization in lily: the use of 2n gametes in interspecific lily hybrids. Chapter in: Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: advances and topical issues, Global Science Books, 138-145.

Beers, Carla M., Rodrigo Barba-Gonzalez, Alex A. van Silfhout, M.S. Ramanna & Jaap M. van Tuyl, 2005. Mitotic and meiotic polyploidization in lily hybrids for transferring Botrytis resistance. Poster IXth International Symposium on  Flower Bulbs, 19-22 April 2004, Niigata, Japan.  Acta Hort. 673: 449-452.

Barba-Gonzalez, R., José Manuel Rodríguez-Domínguez, Ma. Claudia Castañeda-Saucedo, Aaron Rodríguez, Jaap M. Van Tuyl, Ernesto Tapia-Campos, 2012. Mexican Geophytes I. The Genus Polianthes. In: Van Tuyl J, Arens P (Eds) Bulbous ornamentals. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology 6 (special issue 1), 122-128. 

Benedito, Vagner Augusto, 2004. Flower development of Lilium longiflorum: characterization of MADS-box transcription factors.  PhD-thesis, Wageningen University, 142 pp.

Bonnier, F.J.M.1997. Long term storage of clonal material of lily (Lilium L.). PhD-thesis, Wageningen University, 111 pp. 

Bonnier, F.J.M., R.C. Jansen & J.M. van Tuyl, 1996. Long term lily scale bulblet storage: effects of temperature and storage in polyethylene bags. Annals of Applied Biology 129: 161-169.

Bonnier, F.J.M. & J.M. Van Tuyl, 1996. Freezing of vegetative germplasm of lily for 0 to 4 years. Acta Hort. 414: 169-173.

Brown, F. Santiago, Ronald C. Snijder & Jaap M. van Tuyl, 2004. Biparental plastid inheritance in Zantedeschia albomaculata (Araceae). Poster IXth International Symposium on  Flower Bulbs, 19-22 April 2004, Niigata, Japan. Acta Hort. 673: 463-468

Bulk, R.W. van de & J.M. van Tuyl, 1997. In vitro induction of haploid plants from the gametophytes of lily and tulip. Chapter 5 in book: In vitro haploid production in higher plants vol. 5 Oil, ornamental and miscellaneous plants (Kluwer Academic Publishers, eds SM Jain, SK Sapory & RE Veilleux) pp 73-88.

Chastagner G.A., van Tuyl J.M., Verbeek M., Miller W.B., Westerdahl B.B. 2018. Diseases of Lily. In: McGovern R., Elmer W. (eds) Handbook of Florists' Crops Diseases. Handbook of Plant Disease Management. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39670-5_45

Chi, H.S. Th.P. Straathof, H.J.M. Löffler & J.M. Van Tuyl, 1999. In vitro selection for heat-tolerance in lilies. In: Anther and pollen, from biology to biotechnology, chapter 16 p 175-182. Eds. C. Clement, E. Pacini, J.-C. Audran, Spring, Berlin.

Chung, Mi-Young, Jae-Dong Chung, Munikote Ramanna, Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2013.Production of Polyploid and Unreduced Gametes in Lilium auratum x L. Henryi hybrid. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2013, vol 9(7):693-701. Doi: 10.7150/ijbs.6427.

Chung, Mi-Young Jae-Dong Chung, Munikote Ramanna, Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2013. Production of Polyploid and Unreduced Gametes in Lilium auratum x L. Henryi hybrid. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2013, vol 9(7):693-701. Doi: 10.7150/ijbs.6427.

Dwarswaard, Arie, 2009. Het onderzoek van Jaap van Tuyl: de multiresistente tulp komt er Bloembollenvisie 164 9 april 2009 pagina 37.

Dwarswaard, Arie, 2009. International veredelingsonderzoek en proaktijk ontmoet elkaar in Leiden: Eucarpia symposium. Bloembollenvisie 170 2 juli 2009 pagina 34-35

Eikelboom, W., J.M. van Tuyl, D. Peters & Y.D. De Vries, 1995. Resistentie tegen tulpemozaiekvirus (TBV) in tulp: resistentie aantoonbaar. Bloembollencultuur 106(8): 48-49; Vakwerk 63(18) 38-39; Bloembollencultuur 106(9): 32-33; Vakwerk 63(19) 36-37; Bloembollencultuur 106(10): 48-49; Vakwerk 63(20) 38-39.

Famelaer, I., L. Ennik, J.M. Van Tuyl, H. Meijer & C. Creemers-Molenaar, 1996. The establishment and meristem cultures for the development of a protoplast regeneration and fusion system in lily. Acta Hort. 414: 161-168.

Fu, Yiqian, G. Danny Esselink, Richard G. F. Visser, Jaap M. Van Tuyl And Paul Arens 2016. Transcriptome Analysis of Gerbera hybrida Including in silico Confirmation of Defense Genes Found. Front. Plant Sci., 01 March 2016 | http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.00247

Fu, Yiqian, Alex Van Silfhout, Arwa Shahin, Ronny Egberts, Martin Beers, Ans Van Der Velde, Adrie Van Houten, Jaap M. Van Tuyl, Richard G. F. Visser, Paul Arens 2017. Genetic mapping and QTL analysis of Botrytis resistance in Gerbera hybrida. Molecular Breeding Mol Breeding (2017) 37: 13. DOI 10.1007/s11032-016-0617-1

Fu Y, Song Y, van Tuyl JM, Visser RGF and Arens P (2023) The use of a candidate gene approach to study Botrytis cinerea resistance in Gerbera hybrida. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1100416. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1100416

Hwang, Y.J., Paul Arens, Jaap M. Van Tuyl, Tae-Jin Yang, Ki-Byung Lim, 2012.Genome Analysis of Lilium tigrinum by Chromosome Microdissection and Molecular Cytogenetic Techniques. In: Van Tuyl J, Arens P (Eds) Bulbous ornamentals. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology 6 (special issue 2), 84-88. 

Karlov, G.I., L.I. Khrustaleva, K.B. Lim & J.M. Van Tuyl, 1999. The use of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) to examine introgression and mechanism of 2n-pollen production in interspecific hybrids of lily. Genome 42(2): 681-686.

KAVB, 2009. Dix penning voor Jaap van Tuyl. KAVB Actueel, 1 pp

Khan,Nadeem, 2009. A molecular cytogenetic study of intergenomic recombination and introgression of chromosomal segments in lilies (Lilium). PhD-thesis, June 2009, 121 pp

Khan,Nadeem, Shujun Zhou, M. S. Ramanna, Paul Arens, Jeronimo Herrera, Richard G. F. Visser And Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2008. Potential for analytic breeding in allopolyploids: An illustration from Longiflorum × Asiatic hybrid lilies (Lilium). Euphytica 166;399-409.

Khan, Nadeem, Rodrigo Barba-Gonzalez, M. S. Ramanna, Richard G. F. Visser And Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2009. Construction of chromosomal recombination maps of three genomes of lilies (Lilium) based on GISH analysis. Genome 52: 238-251.

Khan, N., Agnieszka Marasek-Ciolakowska, Songlin Xie, Munikote S. Ramanna, Paul Arens, Jaap M. Van Tuyl, 2012. A Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis Of Introgression In Backcross Progenies Of Intersectional Lilium Hybrids. In: Van Tuyl J, Arens P (Eds) Bulbous ornamentals. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology 6 (special issue 2), 13-20. 

Krens, F.A., J.M. van Tuyl, A.W. van Heusden & T.W. Prins. 2004 In directe selectie in lelie en tulp met moleculaire merkers. Eindrapportage PT 101314, 29 pp.

Krens, Frans, Jaap van Tuyl, Sjaak van Heusden, Theo Prins, Paul van Empel, & Ria Jongerius. 2004 Geïnduceerde resistentie tegen Botrytis in tulp en lelie. Eindverslag project PT10769, 28 pp

Leon-Reyes, A., Theo W. Prins, Jean-Paul van Empel and Jaap M. van Tuyl.Differences in epicuticular wax layer in tulip can influence resistance to Botrytis tulipae.  Poster IXth International Symposium on  Flower Bulbs, 19-22 April 2004, Niigata, Japan. Acta Hort. 673: 457-461.

Lim, Ki-Byung, 2000. Introgression breeding through interspecific polyploidisation in lily: a molecular cytogenetic study. PhD-thesis, 27-11-2000, 120 pp.

Lim, Ki-Byung, G. I. Karlov, L.I. Khrustaleva, J.H. De Jong & J.M. Van Tuyl, 1998. Introgression of Interspecific Hybrids of Lily using Genomic In Situ Hybridization (GISH). Acta Hort. 508: 105-111.

Lim KB, Jannie Wennekes, J. Hans De Jong, Evert Jacobsen & Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2001. Karyotype analysis of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. And Lilium rubellum Baker by chromosome banding and fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Genome 44: 911-918.

Lim, Ki-Byung, Jae-Dong Chung, Bernadette C.E. Van Kronenburg, Munikote S. Ramanna, J. Hans De Jong & Jaap M. Van Tuyl, 2000. Introgression of Lilium rubellum Baker chromosomes into L. Longiflorum Thunb.: a genome painting study of the F1 hybrid, BC1 and BC2 progenies. Chromosome Research 8: 119-125.

Lim, K.-B., M.S. Ramanna, JH De Jong, E. Jacobsen & J.M. Van Tuyl, 2001. Indeterminate meiotic restitution (IMR): a novel type of meiotic nuclear restitution detected interspecific lily hybrids by GISH. Theor Appl Genet 103: 219-230.

Lim, Ki-Byung & Jaap Van Tuyl 2001. Introgressie zichtbaar maken met chromosoomkleuringstechnieken, Poster innovatie siergewassen themadag 11-10-2001,

Lim, K.B. & J.M. Van Tuyl, 2002. Identification of parental chromosomes and detection of ribosomal DNA sequences in interspecific hybrids of Lilium revealed by multicolor in situ hybridization. Acta Hort. 570: 403:408.

Lim, Ki-Byung, J.J.M. Van Der Meulen Muisers & J.M. Van Tuyl 2002. Breeding for flower longevity enhancement of Asiatic hybrids lilies. Acta Hort. 570: 570: 409-413 .

Lim, K.B., M.S. Ramanna & Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2003. Comparison of homologous recombination frequency in interspecific hybrids of Lilium. Korean J. Breed 35 (1): 8-12.

Lim, K.-B., M.S. Ramanna, JH De Jong, E. Jacobsen & J.M. Van Tuyl, 2003. Evaluation of BC2 progenies derived from 3x-2x and 3x-4x crosses of Lilium hybrids: a GISH analysis. Theor Appl Genet 106: 568-574.

Lim, Ki-Byung & Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2004. Elegant lady a pink longiflorum lily cultivar suitable for cut flower forcing. Korean J. Breed 36 (2): 123-124.

Lim, K.-B., Tsai-Mu Shen & Jaap M. Van Tuyl, 2004. Occurrence of numerically unreduced gametes in Lilium hybrids and its relevance for breeding. Breeding Science 54: 13-18.

Lim Ki-Byung, Rodrigo Barba-Gonzalez, Shujun Zhou, M.S. Ramanna And Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2005, Meiotic Polyploidization with Homoeologous Recombination Induced by Caffeine Treatment in Interspecific Lily Hybrids. Korean J of Genetics. 27 (3): 219-226.

Lim, Ki-Byung & Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2006, Lily, Lilium hybrids, Chapter 19 page 517-537 In: Flower breeding & genetics: Issues, challenges and opportunities for the 21st century, Springer Verlag.

Lim, Ki-Byung, Rodrigo Barba-Gonzalez, Shujun Zhou, M. S. Ramanna And Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2007. Interspecific Hybridization In Lily (Lilium): Taxonomic And Commercial Aspects Of Using Species Hybrids In Breeding. Chapter in: Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: advances and topical issues, Global Science Books, 138-145.

Löffler, H.J.M., H. Meijer, Th.P. Straathof and J.M. van Tuyl, 1996. Segregation of Fusarium resistance in an interspecific cross between and Lilium dauricum. Acta Hort. 414: 203-209.

Lokker, A.C., Rodrigo Barba-Gonzalez, Ki-Byung Lim, M.S. Ramanna & Jaap M. van Tuyl, 2004. Genotypic and environmental variation in production of 2n-gametes of Oriental x Asiatic lily hybrids. Poster IXth International Symposium on  Flower Bulbs, 19-22 April 2004, Niigata, Japan.  Acta Hort. 673: 453-456

Luo, J.R., J.M. Van Tuyl, P. Arens And L.X. Niu 2013. Cytogenetic studies on meiotic chromosome behaviors in sterile Oriental x Trumpet lily. Genetics and Molecular Research 12 (4): 6673-6684.

Marasek-Ciolakowska, A., H He, P Bijman, MS Ramanna, P Arens and JM Van Tuyl, 2012.
Assessment of intergenomic recombination through GISH analysis of F1, BC1 and BC2 progenies of Tulipa gesneriana and T. fosteriana. Plant Syst Evol (2012) 298:887-899 DOI 10.1007/s00606-012-0598-4.

Marasek-Ciolakowska, A. Songlin Xie , Paul Arens, Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2014. Ploidy manipulation and introgression breeding in Darwin hybrid tulips. Euphytica 198:389-400, DOI 10.1007/s10681-014-1115-3.

Marasek-Ciolakowska, A., M.S. Ramanna, Paul Arens, Jaap M. Van Tuyl, 2012. Breeding and Cytogenetics in the Genus Tulipa, In: Van Tuyl J, Arens P (Eds) Bulbous ornamentals. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology 6 (special issue 1), 90-97. 

Pourkhaloee, Ali; Morteza Khosh-Khui, Paul Arens, Hassan Salehi, Hooman Razi, Ali Niazi, Alireza Afsharifar, Jaap Van Tuyl 2017. Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Iranian tulips revealed by EST-SSR and NBS-LRR Markers. International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology Vol. 4, No. 2; December 2017, pp 167-182 Print ISSN: 2322-1461 Online ISSN: 2588-3143 DOI: 10.22059/ijhst.2018.252004.217. 

Pourkhaloee, Ali; Morteza Khosh-Khui; Paul Arens; Hassan Salehi; Hooman Razi; Ali Niazi; Alireza Afsharifar; Jaap van Tuyl 2018. Molecular Analysis of Genetic Diversity, Population Structure, and Phylogeny of Wild and Cultivated Tulips (Tulipa L.) by Genic Microsatellites. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 59:875:888.

Ramanna, M.S., Agnieszka Marasek-Ciolakowska, Songlin Xie, Nadeem Khan, Paul Arens, Jaap M. Van Tuyl, 2012. The Significance Of Polyploidy for Bulbous Ornamentals: A Molecular Cytogenetic Assessment. In: Van Tuyl J, Arens P (Eds) Bulbous ornamentals. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology 6 (special issue 1), 116-121.

Rhee, H.K., J.H. Lim, Y.J. Kim, J.M. Van Tuyl 2005. Improvement of breeding efficiency for interspecific hybridization of lilies in Korea.. Acta Hort. 673: 107-112.

Ronald, W.G.2008. E.H. Wilson Award to Jaap Van Tuyl. Quart. Bull. of the North American Lily Society 62(3):37

Shahin, Arwa, 2012. Development of genomic resources for ornamental lilies (Lilium L.). PhD-Thesis Arwa Shahin 19-6-2012, 170 pp.

Shahin, Arwa Arens, Paul; Van Heusden, Adriaan; Van Der Linden, Gerard Van Kaauwen, Martijn; Khan, Nadeem; Schouten, Henk; Van De Weg, Eric; Visser, Richard, Van Tuyl, Jaap 2010. Genetic Mapping in Lilium: Mapping of major genes and QTL for several Ornamental Traits and Disease Resistances. Plant Breeding 130:372:382, doi:0523.2010.01812.x

Shahin, A., P. Arens, S. Van Heusden And J.M. Van Tuyl 2009. Conversion of Molecular Markers Linked to Fusarium and Virus Resistance in Asiatic Lily Hybrids. Proc. 23Rd Intl. Eucarpia Symp. (Sec. Ornamentals) on Colourful Breeding and Genetics. Eds.: J.M. Van Tuyl and D.P. De Vries; Acta Hort. 836: 131-136.

Shahin, A., Martijn Van Kaauwen, Danny Esselink, Joachim W. Bargsten, Jaap M. Van Tuyl, Richard G.F. Visser, Paul Arens, 2012. Generation And Analysis Of Expressed Sequence Tags In The Extreme Large Genomes Lilium And Tulipa. BMC Genomics, 13:640 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-13-640.

Shahin A, Bakker FT, Van Tuyl JM, Smulders MJM, Arens P 2014. Using Multi-Locus Sequence Data to Estimate Genetic Distances among Four Lilium (Liliaceae) Cultivars. Frontiers in Plant Science 20 October2014 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00567.

Snijder, R.C. 2004. Genetics of Erwinia resistance in Zantedeschia, impact of plastome-genome incompatibility. PhD-thesis, 112 pages.

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Snijder, R.C., H.R. Cho, M.M.W.B. Hendriks, P. Lindhout and J.M. Van Tuyl 2004. Genetic variation in Zantedeschia spp. (Araceae) for resistance to soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora subsp. Carotovora. Euphytica 135: 119-128.

Snijder, R.C., P. Lindhout and J.M. van Tuyl 2004. Genetic control of resistance to soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora in Zantedeschia spp (Araceae), section Aestivae. Euphytica 136: 319-325.

Snijder, Ronald C., F. Santiago Brown And Jaap M. Van Tuyl 2007. The role of plastome-genome incompatibility and biparental plastid inheritance in interspecific hybridization in the genus Zantedeschia (Araceae).  Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology 1(2), 150-157.

Straathof, Th.P., J.M. van Tuyl, B. Dekker, M.J.M. van Winden & J.M. Sandbrink 1996. Genetic analysis of inheritance of partial resistance to Fusarium oxysporum in Asiatic hybrids of lily using RAPD markers. Acta Hort. 414: 209-218.

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Straathof, Th.P., W. Eikelboom, J.M. van Tuyl & D. Peters, 1996. Screening for TBV-resistance in seedling populations of Tulipa L. Acta Hort. 432: 392-399.

Takamura, T. K.B. Lim & J.M. Van Tuyl, 2002. Effect of a new compound on the mitotic polyploidization of Lilium longiflorum and Oriental hybrids lilies. Acta Hort. 572: 37-42.

Tang, Nan, Arwa Shahin, Paul Bijman, Jianjun Liu, Jaap Van Tuyl, Paul Arens 2013. Genetic diversity and structure in a collection of tulip cultivars assessed by SNP markers. Scientia Hortic. 161 (2013) 286-292.

Tang, Nan,, Guochao Mo, Jaap M. Van Tuyl, Paul Arens, Jianjun Liu, Daocheng Tang 2014.Genetic diversity and structure of Lilium pumilum DC. In southeast of Qinghai Tibet plateau. Plant Syst Evol (2014) 300:1453-1464, DOI 10.1007/s00606-013-0973-9.

Tapia-Campos, E., Jose Manuel Rodriguez-Dominguez, María De Los Milagros Revuelta-Arreola (Mexico), Jaap M. Van Tuyl, Rodrigo Barba-Gonzalez, 2012. Mexican Geophytes II. The Genera Hymenocallis, Sprekelia And Zephyranthes. In: Van Tuyl J, Arens P (Eds) Bulbous ornamentals. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology 6 (special issue 1), 129-139. 

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Van Creij, M.G.M., D.M.F.J. Kerckhoffs & J.M. Van Tuyl, 1999. The effect of ovule age on ovary-slice culture and ovule culture in intraspecific and interspecific crosses with Tulipa gesneriana L. Euphytica 108: 21-28.

Van Creij, M.G.M., D.M.F.J. Kerckhoffs, S.M. De Bruijn, D. Vreugdenhil & J.M. Van Tuyl, 2000. The effect of medium composition on ovary-slice culture and ovule culture in intraspecific Tulipa gesneriana L. crosses. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 60: 61-67.

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Van Der Meulen-Muisers, J.J.M., J.C. Van Oeveren, L.H.W Van Der Plas & J.M. Van Tuyl, 2001. Postharvest flower development in Asiatic hybrid lilies as related to tepal carbohydrate status. Postharvest Biology and Technology 21: 201-211.

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updated  14 Februar 2024
